Kids Program at Grace Mission Hope House

June 27, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I'm catching up on the photos from this past weekend. And one of my favorite times was watching the kids at the cookout and during the kids program. One of the memorable moments is seeing this young boy coming to the cookout with his pot ready for the curry, but he seemed to have come early only later to return with his sister with a second pot.


And here he is with his sister in line for the curry beef.


Every so often volunteers from Tokyo will come up and have a kids program to play with the neighborhood kids. This weekend, they had 3-4 of the volunteers at the Hope house who had brought treats and played games with the children. It was cool to see how excited the kids were when they were hunting for easter eggs and crowded around the treats table to see what they had won from the number or writing inside the eggs.



I love how universal the game of tag is anywhere in the world. In their variation, the kids will start at one end while the caller yells a gesture from the other end. Between calls the kids will try to run to the person who is it. However when the caller yells out the gesture they have to freeze and strike a pose. They had fun ones like singing karoke, eating ice cream or playing dead.


Fun and laughter are the same anywhere in the world and it's always a joy to see it in the children. It is so great to know that a few young adults will travel 4-5 hours to give this neighborhood a simple treat as this.


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